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Florentine Singer

Florentine Singer

Florentine Singer

Circa 1867 H. 88,7 cm • L. 37,5 cm • Pr. 32 cm Origin : Camille Claudel Nogent-sur-Seine Museum N° of inventory : 2001.17 Copyright : musée Camille Claudel, Marco Illuminati

Camille Claudel's collection

Camille Claudel's collection

To definitively free herself from comparisons to Rodin, in the 1890s Camille Claudel chose to explore a more intimate, personal avenue of unique, miniature works. Alert, she scrutinized, observed and then staged snapshots of day-to-day life: her “Life Studies” that she described to her brother Paul, at the time stationed in the United States, in late 1893 (Société des Manuscrits des Auteurs Français). She took pleasure in drawing inspiration from the insignificant, which she then transcended, lending the works a certain universality.

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Photographic Credits :
All rights reserved, The Musée Camille Claudel

The association of the museum's friends

The Association Camille Claudel in Nogent-sur-Seine, friends of the Musée Camille Claudel, is particularly present in the life of the museum. 

A non-profitmaking organization, founded 17 November 2004

Honorary President and support: Reine-Marie Paris, grand-niece of Camille Claudel. Association affiliated with the French Federation of Friends of Museums Societies.

Founded in 2004 by volunteers with a passion for the oeuvre of Camille Claudel, the association has worked diligently for over 10 years to raise public recognition of the artist and to encourage the artistic practice of sculpting and modelling. 

Predating the creation of its museum, the association now strives to further develop the Musée Camille Claudel, while promoting the institution both within France and abroad. It favours the enrichment and showcasing of its collections, while participating in restoration programmes and supporting research. 

Each and every donation contributes to raising public awareness of this unique artist and to the appreciation and admiration of her works.

The Association Camille Claudel in Nogent-sur-Seine is animated by the key values of passion, respect, openness and dialogue. 

Another cornerstone of the association's activity is the practice of sculpting and modelling and the favouring of fine arts expression more generally, with the goal of spreading and sharing the arts with the general public, while also offering an accessible means of artistic self-expression and fulfilment.

Contact: camilleclaudel.nogentsurseine@gmail.com

Support the museum

Anyone can undertake to support the museum: individuals, self-employed entrepreneurs, small businesses, medium-sized companies and large corporations. 

Becoming a patron of the Camille Claudel Museum enables participation in local life, investing in new projects to give greater meaning to your business and promoting access to culture for large numbers of people. Each patron is free to support the museum on a one-off or long-term basis, and choose the projects that suit them best. These can take many forms: acquisition or restoration of a work of art, organization of a temporary exhibition, hosting artists in residence, or organization of cultural events (tours, workshops, lectures, live performances, etc.).

The commitment of each patron also has an impact beyond the walls of the museum, helping to make it better known to the general public, while contributing to its influence and vitality, and spreading the image of a supportive and dynamic region. Three forms of support are possible: financial sponsorship, sponsorship of skills or sponsorship in kind.

Now at the Museum

In Nogent-sur-Seine

The first museum Camille Claudel in the world

How to Reach the Museum

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Where is Nogent-sur-Seine?

How to Reach the Museum

Musée Camille Claudel
10 Rue Gustave Flaubert
10400 Nogent-sur-Seine 
+33(0) 3 25 24 76 34

1 hour from the Gare de l’Est station in Paris.



  • Full-rate admission: €8 per person
  • Reduced rate: €4,50 per person
  • Free admission for visitors under 26 years of age
  • Free admission for all visitors on the first Sunday of each month