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Hands-on artistic workshops for families

A mineral, rocky, vertiginous… modelling

This skin, so smooth, of a face or body is magnified by a mineral shock of hair, by a rocky labyrinthine beard, by a vertiginous enlacing drapery…

Children and parents participating in this hands-on artistic workshop and contemplating works by Camille Claudel: do you still only see faces and bodies?

After an initial modelling in clay of some portion of the human body complemented by drapery, hair or a beard, you exchange your works with other members of the family for further inspiration. What new meaning or direction do you now lend the sculpture? Will your work be swallowed up by drapery, hair or a beard, features that are hardly of secondary importance? Will admirers be tempted to lose themselves in the sculpture’s depths and asperities?

Public: children aged 4 and older
Rate per person: €5
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins 

Upcoming dates:
23 April 2017, at 3 PM

Reservations required by email.


Artists in dialogue, or “I don’t copy, I seek inspiration”

Contemplating connections between the works of Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin, two indisputably famous sculptors, will shed light on the creative process, particularly during the 19th century. To assimilate this nuance between “copying” and “drawing inspiration from” another’s work, parents and children work in pairs, with one partner starting from a work produced by the other. How may one benefit from another’s creation, while at the same time breathing new life into it?

Public: children aged 4 and older
Rate per person: €5 per person
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins 

Upcoming dates:
28 May 2017, at 3 PM

Reservations required by email.


Family workshop, with the participation of the Compagnie Polychrome

Programme upcoming

Public: children aged 6 and older
Rate per person: €5 per person
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins

Upcoming dates: 25 June 2017, from 2:30 to 4:30 PM and from 4 to 5:30 PM

Reservations required by email.